Employee Printer Access Self Installation Instructions

NETWORK Requirement BEFORE Installing Printers to Your individual windows profile:

Important Note: On a shared workstation (used by multiple employees), each employee would need to complete the following setup in order to print.

Ensure that your college issued device (i.e. PC, laptop, Surface Pro) is directly connected to the College network using one of the following:

  • Hard wired connection to a wall port by way of network cable from your computer, docking station, or your desk phone.  You would see a computer icon/symbol on the lower right of the task bar indicating your connection to the hard wired network "SUNYOCCC". 

                                                                                          ----   OR   -----

  • WiFi connection to the College’s network for employee devices.  You would see a Wireless connection icon on your lower right task bar indicating your WiFi connection to "OcccEmpDev".    (NOTE:  This printer setup will NOT work on the "SUNYOrange Guest" or any Student WiFi)

**Note:*** If none of the above connections are available, you can NOT proceed with printer setup.  For security reasons, you must submit a ticket to get connected the employee network with your college owned device.  Otherwise proceed below to install a printer to your profile.


Printer Installation Steps

1.  Access the Windows Run Dialogue Box by pressing the Windows Key + R on your keyboard at the same time.  


2.     For Middletown Campus Enter  \\mdt-ad-ps1 into the Run dialogue box that appears and click OK. 
        For Newburgh Campus enter \\nbg-ad-ps1 into the Run dialogue box that appears and click OK. 


3. A windows explorer listing of available printers should appear (Building + room#). This may be in alphabetical order depending on your settings.

Note:  If the printer model information is not already visible, you can use the Ctrl + Shift + 6 to enable the comments column as seen in the screen shot below. 

4.  Double click the desired printer to launch the installation.  This could take a minute or two.


5.   Once completed, a printer queue window will appear with the name of the printer across the top (Screen shot Below). 


6. You can set this as your default printer by Clicking "Printer", then "Set as Default" from the top menu bar of the Printer Queue. 

7. You can close the printer queue window.  Your printer is now installed on your device and ready for use. 

If when printing to the newly installed printer for the first time you DO NOT see your newly installed printer as a choice, you may need to select the "See more..." option from the drop down printer/destination selection list.   See below:


Still unable to Print after following the instructions?

In some cases, depending on printer model and operating system version, you may need to allow 1-3 minutes before first time use.

If you are still unable to send a print job to the newly installed printer, Please REBOOT the computer (save any work, shutdown, turn back on, and log in again).
Try printing again to your newly installed printer.   If you are still having an issue/error setting up a printer please open a ticket for support

Print Article


Article ID: 12392
Fri 4/19/24 2:21 PM
Thu 7/25/24 8:53 AM