Scheduled Event Setup Request

This service applies to Faculty & Staff.

The ITS Department provides the technology and capability to host a successful on-campus events.  A minimum 1 week lead time when requesting Support or equipment for Special Events/Presentations. Any requests made with less notice may not be fulfilled as it it dependant on equipment availability and personnel resources.

NOTE: if your event requires a specific Building/Room on campus, then you may ALSO need to reserve the space with Facilities/Central Scheduling prior to submitting this IT request.

Faculty, staff and on-campus organizations are eligible to request event setup.  Event Setup Assistance is available during business hours 8am-5pm Monday-Friday. All requests outside of these hours are contingent upon staff availability and approval.  Please submit ONE REQUEST PER Event Date.

Use the Submit Ticket button to the right to request Event Setup.




Submit Ticket


Service ID: 719
Wed 9/14/22 8:09 AM
Mon 8/7/23 10:09 AM