Adobe Creative Cloud Access for Students and Faculty

This service applies to Students & Faculty.

Adobe Creative Suite is provided FREE for students in specific programs/courses at SUNY Orange.  This access license is only available during their affiliation with the college. (currently registered for courses)

Approved instructors provide a student roster list to the IT Department at the beginning of each semester by way of ticket.  The Technical Services Team then grants access and each student should receive an email with access instructions, download link, license information, etc…

If for any reason the student does not receive the email or has trouble downloading the software or installation.  They are encouraged to check their spam folder or trash in the event the email is not in their inbox as expected.

Ask your instructor if your class requires Adobe Creative Cloud.  Depending on your course requirements you may be a candidate to get access to Adobe CC Suite while you are attending SUNY Orange.  If you are enrolled in an eligible course, you should receive an activation email for your access to Adobe.

FACULTY: If you need to request Adobe Creative Cloud access on behalf of your student(s), use the Submit Ticket button to the right -
BE SURE TO past into/include in the description or ATTACH your class roster WITH student email addresses that need access.

STUDENTS:  If you have NOT received the welcome email for Adobe Creative Cloud use the Submit Ticket button to the right.


Submit Ticket


Service ID: 1226
Wed 10/19/22 11:03 PM
Thu 6/1/23 1:29 PM