TouchNet 360 APP - Digital Employee & Student ID APP
Touchnet 360u is the APP used by SUNYOrange for Digital Student and Employee ID Card. Only students currently registered for classes or active employees will be able to login to the TOUCHNET 360 APP. Information on the downloading the app and Uploading your photo can be found at the Center for Student Involvement link:
NOTE: Photos are approved periodically by Center for Student Involvement staff. Until Photo is manually approved, it is normal for the app to display a BLANK person photo. Allow a couple business days for your photo to transfer to the app.
Common Errors with the Touchnet 360u Mobile APP:
“Your account or password is incorrect..”
(either the username/password are incorrect OR MFA on your account is not setup)
Incorrect Username / password
You must use your sunyorange email address and Password that you use to login to the MySUNYOrange portal. If you are unable to login to MySUNYOrange or do not know your password - See our MySUNYOrange Login Information page.
MFA is not fully setup
You may get the Touchnet LOGIN ERROR if you do not have the two required MFA authentication methods setup in your MySUNYOrange Account. The Login Error does not specify MFA specifically. You may KNOW your password so please do not reset it right away. For more information on MFA setup see our article on Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).
Once you have completed your MFA verification, it could take up to an hour to synchronize to the Touchnet system backend. Please try logging into the Touchnet 360u App after approx an hour.
“Login Error Account is Already Assigned” OR Loads to a BLANK screen/white page - After you have Logged into the APP

Alternatively, you can unregister your device on the Touchnet One Web Dashboard and clicking the "Manage Campus ID" link as shown below:

After unregistered, you should be able to Log in on the newly installed Touchnet APP on your mobile device.